Four Key Metrics
Companies are encouraged to track the following metrics: the percentage of women hired each year, the number of women hired/total number of new employees, the number of resumes received each year from women versus men.
Companies are encouraged to track the following metrics: the percentage of women promoted, the number of women promoted/the total number of women, the total number of men promoted/total number of men, the percent of women in the promotion candidate pool, the percent of women in the pipeline for senior leadership role consideration and the percent of women in the senior leadership succession plan.
Companies are encouraged to track the following metrics: the percentage of women in the company, the number of women/total number of employees, the attrition gap (percent of men total attrition compared to women attrition), the number of retained women/total number of women compared to the number of retained men/total number of men.
Companies are encouraged to track the following metrics: the percentage of women in senior leadership roles (Board position, C-Suite, Senior executives) and encouraged to rate their current progress in terms of giving women potential sponsors as well as mentors.
To close the gender leadership gap, we encourage companies to lead with data, and follow with passion. Our annual metrics survey provides companies with both an inside view of areas of opportunity and the added perspective of the aggregate coalition’s progress. Armed with years of comparative data, we are also able to share insights into trends and make high-level recommendations on how to close persistent gaps revealed in the data.
This is an important component to furthering our mission together and a valuable tool that is part of your membership in the coalition at no additional cost. We understand that the availability of data varies by organization. The survey is simple to use and flexible to account for companies of all sizes. It is administered by a third party with extensive expertise in confidential measurement. All results shared with the Coalition are aggregated. The survey is launched each spring.
Questions about the survey or joining the coalition? Contact Beth Kent