Expanding leadership for women of all races, cultures, and backgrounds

Join Us on the Path to Gender Parity

Paradigm for Parity®
is accelerating progress in advancing women across all levels of business leadership. Membership gives you exclusive access to essential tools, actionable insights, and best practices to close the gender gap with in corporate leadership.

Unparalleled Community

Joining the Paradigm for Parity coalition instantly and deeply connects your company to a powerful and dedicated network of women and women-allied corporate changemakers.
Our Footprint

Together, the Paradigm for Parity® coalition’s current list of OVER 150 COMPANIES today employ 6.5 MILLION WORKERS worldwide and represent 28 industries with company headquarters in 7 countries globally.

Exclusive benefits

From toolkits for corporate culture transformation to catalyzing conversation guides, from our 5-Point Action Plan to our Center for Action—and so much more—Paradigm for Parity offers our members a rich suite of resources and allyship with a passionate community.

Continuous Learning

Members enjoy access to dozens of in-person and virtual events annually, highlighting new research, leading voices in the sector, and best practices to achieve parity in the workplace. 

 Learn more about our Events

Signature Programming

Members can sponsor staff in the Profit & Loss Leadership Accelerator Program, build networks at our Multicultural Intergenerational Women’s Summit, attend the Annual Conference, and much more. 

Learn more about our Signature Programming

Exclusive Resources

As a Paradigm for Parity coalition member, you’ll be invited to participate in our industry-leading metrics survey on representation in the workforce. You’ll get full access to our best-in-class Paradigm for Parity Toolkits offering curated, actionable, proven pathways to achieving your parity goals. And much, much more.

Learn more about our Resources


Our members-only Center for Action connects you to a range of prospective accelerators to your efforts to achieve corporate gender parity. Sign on for one of our many opportunities to meet other member companies to learn from each other and grow your impact.

Learn more about the Center for Action

The calling of membership

Paradigm for Parity is committed to achieving gender parity. Our member companies support our call to action and commit to progress toward gender balance in corporate leadership within 15 years of joining the coalition. Together we are shaping the conversation around parity and driving the future of work. Our members don’t just walk the path to parity—they blaze it.